
The Han4L Project


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Learn more about Ammi- ZORG here

The Han4L Project


Ammi- ZORG focuses on deploying high-quality personnel in the healthcare sector. They employ a variety of employees, including group leaders, counselors, ambulatory workers, safe home workers, youth care workers, nurses and carers. All employees have one thing in common: they are always of added value for their clients.

Ammi-zorg has supported the project since day one. They provide financial aid for HAN4L.


Han university of applied sciences

HAN is one of the 5 largest universities of applied sciences in the Netherlands. With campuses in Arnhem and Nijmegen, it offers practice-based education on bachelor’s and master’s degrees to more than 35,000 students. HAN’s centres of expertise provide tailored research to companies and institutions.

The Automotive faculty of our university provided us with the start-up budget to purchase our Renault 4 GTL and parts, as well as tools and a garage space, but most important, the knowledge base, advise and expertise we need to successfully achieve the best design for our car and make it the most suited and equipped for the rally.

Learn more about HAN


Automotive center of expertise

ACE Mobility is the connector, initiator and intermediary in the collaboration with the automotive courses of the Fontys University of Applied Sciences, the HAN University of Applied Sciences and companies in the automotive and mobility sector. To contribute to a sustainable future of this sector, ACE Mobility focuses on education, Human Capital and innovation, which form the starting point of this strategic network.

HAN4L works together with ACE Mobility to create a strong and extensive people and business network.

The HAN4L project


DENSO is a global manufacturer of automotive parts. DENSO’s main goal is to enhance the lives of people worldwide by working to meet the future needs of society in four major areas of technology (Electrification, Automated Driving, Connected Driving and FA/AgTech). Also, through its business activities, DENSO aims to contribute to the creation of a sustainable society by reaching this goal and help to achieve harmonious coexistence with the natural environment.

Also a sponsor since day one. Their financial contribution have helped this project grow.

Learn more about DENSO here

Learn more about R-quatre at



Behind R-Quatre stands a small team that all share the same passion, the renault 4. With this passion a company has been created that helps and assist the big renault 4 community with workplans, manuals and parts. Trough their company and website people can order parts to get this iconic car back on the road.

R-Quatre has helped us with uptaining the neccessary parts to make our cars drive since day one.



Novaschool is an Educational Goup which bases its educational model on high academic and sports standards, always from the perspective of pedagogical innovation while promoting the creation of new learning spaces.

Learn more about Novaschool here

Grupo Educativo Novaschool

The Han4L Project


Chargertech was founded in January 2007 out of a love for cars and especially motor performance. When looking for parts for my own projects, I often encountered that parts were very expensive or sometimes had an extremely long delivery time. I often lacked expertise from the selling party. Something that is certainly very important within the tuning world. Chargertech started small from home with a limited range, which has been expanded over the past few years. The range is constantly being expanded, whereby the customer is always central.

Chargertech is a loyal partner of HAN4L and provides parts for upgrades.

Learn more about Chargertech here

The Han4L Project


BO, formerly UNIE NFTO , is the trade union for employees in vocational education. BO is a trade union that is not only there for teachers, but also for support staff in vocational education. We know how great it is to work in vocational education! But we also know that it is not always easy. Work pressure, salary, pension, classification and your (temporary) contract make it really difficult to focus on your core tasks. That is why we negotiate with employers and boards of directors to improve the employment conditions in vocational education. 

Learn more about BO here

The Han4L Project

More Supporters

We want to thank the following companies for supporting our project
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The Han4L Project


Do you want to be our sponsor, be sure to contact us!